
West Jerusalem

Section of Jerusalem that came under Israeli control after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War

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West Jerusalem: Section of Jerusalem that came under Israeli control after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War
West Jerusalem or Western Jerusalem refers to the section of Jerusalem that was controlled by Israel at the end of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. As the city was divided by the Green Line, West Jerusalem was formally delineated as the counterpart to East Jerusalem, which was controlled by Jordan. Though Israel has controlled the entirety of Jerusalem since the 1967 Arab–Israeli War, the boundaries of West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem remain internationally recognized as de jure due to their significance to the process of determining the status of Jerusalem, which has been among the primary points of contention in the Arab–Israeli conflict and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. With certain exceptions, undivided Jerusalem is not internationally recognized as the sovereign territory of either Israel or the State of Palestine. However, recognition of Israeli sovereignty over only West Jerusalem is more widely accepted as a plausible diplomatic position, as the United Nations regards East Jerusalem as part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Khamenei Calls for Unity Against Israeli Aggression - Urges Muslims to Cut Ties with West Jerusalem [Video]

Khamenei Calls for Unity Against Israeli Aggression - Urges Muslims to Cut Ties with West Jerusalem

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Muslim countries to sever economic ties with Israel, condemning its military actions in Gaza and urging solidarity with the Palestinian..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:24Published

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