
Best Western

International hotel chain

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Best Western International, Inc. owns the Best Western Hotels & Resorts brand, which it licenses to over 4,700 hotels worldwide. The franchise, with its corporate headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, includes more than 2,000 hotels in North America. The brand was founded by M. K. Guertin in 1946. As of December 2021, Larry Cuculic is the president and CEO of Best Western. As of 2018, it was nonprofit owned by its franchisee members.

Hotel boss: Most difficult period of business in 30 years [Video]

Hotel boss: Most difficult period of business in 30 years

The chairman of Best Western Hotel has said this has been the “longest, sustained, most difficult period” for business he has seen in 30 years, describing rising running costs. Robert Smith also..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 02:03Published

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