
Leander Club

British rowing club

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Leander Club: British rowing club
Leander Club, founded in 1818, is one of the oldest rowing clubs in the world, and the oldest non-academic club. It is based in Remenham in Berkshire, England and adjoins Henley-on-Thames. Only three other surviving clubs were founded prior to Leander: Brasenose College Boat Club and Jesus College Boat Club and Westminster School Boat Club, founded in 1813.

Lib Dems crash the party at Sunak campaign visit [Video]

Lib Dems crash the party at Sunak campaign visit

Liberal Democrats were seen holding placards and waving from a boat as the prime minister met with athletes at Leander Club in south-east England. On board the boat was Daisy Cooper, deputy leader of..

Credit: ODN     Duration: 01:36Published

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