
Southern Germany

Region in which Upper German dialects are spoken

Southern Germany    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Southern Germany: Region in which Upper German dialects are spoken
Southern Germany is a region of Germany that included the areas in which Upper German dialects are spoken, which includes the stem duchies of Bavaria and Swabia in present-day Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, and the southern portion of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate that were part of the Duchy of Franconia.

Devastating Floods in South Germany: Agriculture, Industry, and Small Businesses Suffer Heavy Losses [Video]

Devastating Floods in South Germany: Agriculture, Industry, and Small Businesses Suffer Heavy Losses

Recent floods in Southern Germany have hit farming, industry and small businesses hard. Fields are under water, and the season's harvest is destroyed. Others had to halt production amid flooded..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 03:21Published
Severe Flooding Ravages Southern Germany: State of Emergency Declared | Watch [Video]

Severe Flooding Ravages Southern Germany: State of Emergency Declared | Watch

In Germany, days of continuous rain have caused severe flooding in two southern states, Bavaria and neighbouring Baden-Württemberg. A state of emergency has been declared in some areas. DW reporter..

Credit: Oneindia     Duration: 02:45Published

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