
Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa

Portuguese businessman (1937–2025)

Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa    ▸ Facts   ▸ Comments   ▸ News   ▸ Videos   

Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa: Portuguese businessman (1937–2025)
Jorge Nuno de Lima Pinto da Costa was a Portuguese sports executive, who was president of Portuguese sports club Porto from 1982 until 2024. He was the president with most titles won (69) in the history of football and most days in charge in world as a president of football.

Did FC Porto's former president predict the Lisbon earthquake on the day of his funeral? [Video]

Did FC Porto's former president predict the Lisbon earthquake on the day of his funeral?

Did FC Porto's former president predict the Lisbon earthquake on the day of his funeral? The front page of an old edition of a defunct Portuguese newspaper has gone viral for allegedly showing an..

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:59Published

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