
Ross Stores

American discount department store chain

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Ross Stores: American discount department store chain
Ross Stores, Inc., operating under the brand name Ross Dress for Less, is an American chain of discount department stores headquartered in Dublin, California. It is the largest off-price retailer in the U.S.; as of 2023, Ross operates 1,765 stores in 45 U.S. states, the District of Columbia and Guam, covering much of the country, but with no presence in New England, Alaska, and areas of the Midwest. The company also operates DD's Discounts, a discount department store chain with over 300 locations across the United States, most of which are located in Sun Belt states.

CEO Pay Continued to Rise in 2023, Widening the Income Gap Between Executives and Workers [Video]

CEO Pay Continued to Rise in 2023, Widening the Income Gap Between Executives and Workers

CEO Pay Continued to Rise in 2023, , Widening the Income Gap , Between Executives and Workers. 'The Independent' reports that the typical CEO compensation for S&P companies continues to increase,..

Credit: Wibbitz Top Stories     Duration: 01:30Published

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