
Friedrich Merz

German politician (born 1955)

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Friedrich Merz: German politician (born 1955)
Joachim-Friedrich Martin Josef "Friedrich" Merz is a German politician who has served as Leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 31 January 2022 and led the CDU/CSU (Union) parliamentary group as well as been Leader of the Opposition in the Bundestag since 15 February 2022. In September 2024, Merz became the Union's designated candidate for Chancellor of Germany ahead of the 2025 federal election.

Germany's CDU leader Friedrich Merz visits Kyiv to reaffirm support [Video]

Germany's CDU leader Friedrich Merz visits Kyiv to reaffirm support

Friedrich Merz, the CDU’s candidate for chancellor in Germany’s upcoming snap elections in February, is looking to shore up support among his base.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:00Published

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