
Rostov Oblast

First-level administrative division of Russia

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Rostov Oblast: First-level administrative division of Russia
Rostov Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, located in the Southern Federal District. The oblast has an area of 100,967 square kilometers (38,984 sq mi) and a population of 4,200,729, making it the sixth most populous federal subject in Russia. Its administrative center is the city of Rostov-on-Don, which also became the administrative center of the Southern Federal District in 2002.

Deadly ballistic missile attack in central Ukraine on Christmas Eve [Video]

Deadly ballistic missile attack in central Ukraine on Christmas Eve

Earlier on Tuesday Ukraine launched drones towards Millerovo in Russia's Rostov Oblast, a city home to a military airbase, according to local media.

Credit: euronews (in English)     Duration: 01:22Published

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