
Summerlin, Nevada

Planned community in Nevada, United States

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Summerlin, Nevada: Planned community in Nevada, United States
Summerlin is a community in the Las Vegas Valley of Southern Nevada. It lies at the edge of the Spring Mountains and Red Rock Canyon to the west; it includes the census-designated place of Summerlin South, is partly within the official city limits of Las Vegas and partly within unincorporated Clark County. This community occupies over 22,500 acres and holds over 230 parks, more than two dozen public and private schools, 14 houses of worship, ten golf courses, three resort hotels, recreational facilities, retail and entertainment centers, well-established office parks, a medical center, and more.

The Creative Coalition Unites Hollywood & Business Leaders to Fight for Arts Funding | THR News [Video]

The Creative Coalition Unites Hollywood & Business Leaders to Fight for Arts Funding | THR News

The Creative Coalition’s National Arts Advocacy Summit in Summerlin, Nevada brought together 50 leaders from across the business and entertainment worlds, as well as policymakers, to craft actionable..

Credit: The Hollywood Reporter     Duration: 03:12Published

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