
Floyd Mayweather, Lil Uzi Vert Sued for Alleged Assault, Uzi Denies It Thursday, 20 June 2024
A man is suing Lil Uzi Vert, Floyd Mayweather and several of the boxing legend's Money Team employees, claiming they contributed to an ass-kicking he took last summer -- but Uzi says he had nothing to do with it. The man's name is Abdullah Ali, and…

πŸ’‘ newsR Knowledge: Other News Mentions

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Floyd Mayweather Jr. American boxer and boxing promoter (born 1977)

Floyd Mayweather Gives Crypto Founder Private Boxing Lesson

Imagine being taught to shoot by Steph Curry, or throw a football by Tom Brady ... well that's exactly what happened for a boxing fan (and Crypto whale), who..

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