Sunday, 4 February 2024 Saba Azad, known for her roles in films like "Dil Kabaddi" and "Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge," as well as the web series "Rocket Boys," is embarking on an exciting new venture. Set to lead in "Songs of Paradise," a musical drama set against the backdrop of Kashmir, Azad has garnered support from Hrithik Roshan, who praised her upcoming performance as "heart-wrenching" and among the finest he's seen. Directed by Danish Renzu, "Songs of Paradise" tells the story of a Kashmiri woman striving to fulfill her dream of becoming a singer. The talented ensemble cast includes Zain Khan Durrani, Soni Razdan, Sheebha Chaddha, Taaruk Raina, Shishir Sharma, and Lillette Dubey. Produced by Shafat Qazi, Danish Renzu, along with Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani, the film promises to captivate audiences with its powerful narrative and stellar performances.
Saba Azad, Hrithik Roshan's girlfriend, eagerly supports Pashmina Roshan's debut in 'Ishq Vishk Rebound' on Instagram. The film features an ensemble cast, and... IndiaTimes