Tuesday, 19 March 2024 Ranveer Singh finds himself with a vacant schedule following the temporary suspension of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Baiju Bawra'. His other commitments, including Farhan Akhtar's 'Don 3' and Basil Joseph's 'Shaktimaan', are experiencing delays, leaving Singh without immediate projects. Insiders suggest that 'Don 3' won't commence production until the year's end, while 'Shaktimaan' is still in the script refinement phase. Meanwhile, Singh has reportedly signed an action film with Aditya Dhar, the director of 'Uri: The Surgical Strike'. Dhar has the script ready, awaiting Singh's review and suggestions for necessary changes.
Ranveer Singh has solidified his schedule for the next couple of years with projects like 'Singham Again', 'Don 3', and 'Shaktimaan'. Adding to the anticipation,... IndiaTimes