Friday, 17 May 2024 As India's elections progress, celebrities like Salman Khan advocate for voter engagement. Salman tweeted about Maharashtra's Phase 5 voting on May 20, encouraging his followers to participate. He emphasized the importance of voting for the nation, sharing his commitment to exercise and civic duty. Salman's upcoming projects include 'Sikandar' and 'Tiger Vs Pathaan.'
Following the recent firing incident outside Salman Khan's Mumbai residence, his family and fans have expressed concerns for the star's safety. However, Salman Khan remains resolute in his commitment: his work will not be compromised. Recently, he was spotted departing from Mumbai airport in a...
Mumbai to vote in 5th phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024. Salman Khan returns from Dubai to cast vote amidst security threats. Wears quirky manga print pants.... IndiaTimes