Friday, 26 July 2024 The comedy series 'Bad Monkey,' starring Vince Vaughn, promises to entertain audiences with its mix of humor, mystery, and Floridian charm. Adapted from Carl Hiaasen's bestselling novel, the show follows Andrew Yancy, a former Miami cop turned health inspector, whose life turns chaotic after discovering a severed arm. 'Bad Monkey' premieres on August 14 with new episodes every Tuesday until October 9.
Bad Monkey Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Welcome to the shady side of paradise where Vince Vaughn has a long list of unusual suspects... Based on Carl Hiaasen's New York Times bestselling novel and enduring cult favorite, BAD MONKEY tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been...
Check out the official trailer for "Bad Monkey," the thrilling new drama series on Apple TV+. Based on the acclaimed novel by Carl Hiaasen, "Bad Monkey" brings a gripping tale of intrigue, corruption,..