Saturday, 27 July 2024 It is known that Ranveer Singh is teaming up with Aditya Dhar for his next film. The actor will reportedly portray a R&AW (Research & Analysis) agent in the action thriller, which also stars Akshaye Khanna, Yami Gautam, Arjun Rampal, R Madhavan, and Sanjay Dutt
Bollywood's 'Khiladi' Akshay Kumar on Saturday shared a fun dancing video with Ranveer Singh on his 39th birthday, expressing his hope that the actor's infectious energy will always keep him going..
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were spotted on a movie date as they headed to watch Kalki 2898 AD together. Deepika Padukone was spotted in the city dressed in a white t-shirt, blazer and denim..
Aditya Dhar has teamed up with Ranveer Singh for a new project, which was officially announced recently. The film also features Arjun Rampal, Sanjay Dutt, R.... IndiaTimes