Thursday, 15 August 2024 Saif Ali Khan and his daughter Sara Ali Khan celebrated Independence Day by posting a touching photo holding the Tricolour. Sara conveyed her wishes in Hindi. Recently, the duo featured in a tourism ad. Sara last starred in 'Ae Watan Mere Watan', while Saif's upcoming project is 'Devara: Part 1', co-starring Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor.
Sara Ali Khan took to social media to celebrate her father Saif Ali Khan's birthday. She shared a sweet post to wish him on his special day. Sara's post was filled with love and affection for her papa. She expressed her gratitude for having him in her life and praised his amazing...
On Raksha Bandhan, actress Sara Ali Khan shared heartfelt Instagram photos with her family. The pictures show Sara tying rakhi to her brother Ibrahim and half-brother Jeh, and a family photo with her..