Tuesday, 24 September 2024 Kiran Rao, Aamir Khan, and the 'Laapataa Ladies' team celebrated their film's selection as India’s Oscars 2025 entry. Kiran expressed gratitude for the honor, praising the cast and crew's dedication. Kareena Kapoor Khan also congratulated them on Instagram, emphasizing that "great stories deserve great recognition." The film released on March 1, 2024.
Ravi Kishan exuded confidence as he spoke about 'Laapataa Ladies' Oscar nomination, assertively stating, "We will definitely bring home the Oscar. I have no doubts about it." He further emphasized, "This film deserves the highest recognition, and I believe the Academy will acknowledge its excellence....
Ravi Kishan expressed his happiness on 'Laapta Ladies' getting official entry in Oscars. He said, "It is a proud moment for us that our film 'Laapta Ladies' has got official entry in Oscars. This film..
Actor Kareena Kapoor has congratulated the team of `Laapataa Ladies` for getting selected for Oscars 2025. `Laapataa Ladies` was released in theatres on March 1,... Mid-Day