Bollywood star Alia Bhatt looked drop-dead-gorgeous as she made her Paris Fashion Week debut in a creation by ace couturier Gaurav Gupta. The actress sauntered on the runway along with American star Andie MacDowell during the show "Walk Your Worth" at Palais Garnier. The Indian actress wore a...
Bollywood star Alia Bhatt celebrated the 42nd birthday of her husband, actor Ranbir Kapoor, by sharing a collection of adorable unseen family pictures. Among the heartwarming glimpses was a sweet look..
Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and their adorable daughter Raha were spotted at Mumbai's airport early Monday morning, all set for a family vacation. The family's departure came on the heels of their..
Alia Bhatt returned to Mumbai after her Paris Fashion Week debut, stunning in a silver bustier and black jumpsuit. She was spotted at the airport with Ranbir... IndiaTimes Also reported by •Mid-Day
Alia Bhatt, who recently debuted at the Paris Fashion Week 2024 shared backstage photos from the event. Check out the same in this article. Bollywood Life Also reported by •Mid-Day