Sunday, 10 November 2024 Arhaan Khan, son of Bollywood actors Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora, recently celebrated his 22nd birthday, receiving heartfelt wishes from family and friends. Arbaaz's wife, Sshura Khan, shared a touching tribute on Instagram, calling Arhaan "family" and praising his authenticity. Malaika marked the occasion with a series of throwback photos, expressing her immense love for her son. The birthday celebrations saw the presence of notable figures like Raveena Tandon's daughter, Rasha Thadani, adding a touch of glamour to the event.
Arbaaz Khan and his spouse, Sshura Khan, were seen together in Bandra, showcasing their couple's goals. With Sshura dressed in pants and an oversized white shirt, they looked stylish and comfortable. Arbaaz Khan, on the other hand, wore white fitted trousers and a casual t-shirt, which went perfectly...
Sshura Khan, Arbaaz Khan's wife, enjoyed a cricket game with her stepson, Arhaan Khan, showcasing their warm bond. Arhaan recently celebrated his 22nd birthday... IndiaTimes