Friday, 22 November 2024 Singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh has arrived in Lucknow, sending fans into a frenzy ahead of his Dil-Luminati Tour performance. Before his show, Diljit took time to experience Lucknow's culture, indulging in the city's famous makhan malai at the iconic Chowk market. Videos of the star enjoying the local delicacy and interacting with fans have gone viral. Diljit's tour, which has already captivated audiences in the US, Canada, and Europe, made its India debut in Delhi and has seen electrifying performances in Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
Diljit Dosanjh is coming in hot as Billboard Canada’s No. 1 for Billboard’s 'Global No. 1s' series. Diljit shares what it’s like to be an outstanding voice within the Punjabi community and making..
Punjabi sensation Diljit Dosanjh recently bid an emotional farewell to Kashmir in his own signature way. The singer, who is currently on an exciting journey across India for his “Dil-Luminati Tour,"..