Friday, 29 November 2024 However, Shilpa Shetty's lawyer gave a statement saying that the actress and her client is not involved in any such matter. He said, "There have been reports in the media saying that my client Mrs Shilpa shetty Kundra has been raided by the Enforcement Directorate . These reports are not true and are misleading
Recently, Gehana Vasisth gave an explosive interview to IANS in which she recounted her entire journey of connecting with them and her experience as an actor turned producer. Gehana also talks about..
Shilpa Shetty was spotted at Food Square in Bandra with her husband Raj Kundra and their son Viaan. She intends to accessorize her outfit with a matching bangle and wear a white jumpsuit, which makes..
Shilpa Shetty was spotted having an ice cream date with her son, Viaan Raj Kundra, in Juhu, Mumbai. Shilpa dressed in a plain but classy outfit that turned heads effortlessly. The actress shared a few..