Saturday, 30 November 2024 Directed by Dheeraj Sarna and starring Vikrant Massey, ‘The Sabarmati Report’ released on November 15, 2024, initially saw decent business but experienced a drop after the second Sunday. However, Cinema Lovers Day boosted its earnings. The political thriller has been praised for its gripping narrative and stellar performances, particularly Massey’s role.
Sriram Krishnan, a prominent figure in the tech world with a stellar career at Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, and more, has been appointed as the Senior Policy Advisor for Artificial Intelligence at the..
Indian film Director Anil Sharma talked about PM Modi Watching ‘The Sabarmati Report’ Movie today and he said, ‘This is a good and very happy initiative that PM Modi is encouraging our..
For the Special Screening of the 'The Sabarmati Report' movie, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri says, "It has been reported that some of our political opponents have made..