Varun Dhawan, the star of the upcoming film "Baby John", recently met Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi. He described the encounter as an "absolute pleasure" and shared a photo with the minister on Instagram. In the picture, both Varun and Amit Shah are smiling at the camera. Varun even wrote a...
World leaders and global media have widely honored Dr. Manmohan Singh for his leadership and economic reforms. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Maldivian President Abdulla Shahid, and Afghan..
Renowned journalist and author Rajdeep Sardesai sits down with OneIndia to discuss his latest book, '2024: The Election That Surprised India'. In this exclusive interview, Sardesai analyses the..
Recently, the trailer for "Baby John" was launched, featuring Varun Dhawan and actress Wamiqa Gabbi at the event. Both stars expressed their excitement about the film's release. Director Atlee Kumar..