Tuesday, 17 December 2024 Pushpa: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna, rakes in Rs 929.85 crore despite a dip in second Monday collections. The film's second weekend saw a surge, crossing Rs 725.8 crore in its first week. The controversy surrounding Allu Arjun's arrest after a fan's death allegedly boosted collections. Trade analysts predict the film may soon hit Rs 1,000 crore mark at the domestic box office.
Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna, has seen a dip in its box office collections on Day 26, recording Rs 6.65 crore. Despite this, the... IndiaTimes
*Pushpa 2: The Rule*, featuring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna, saw its lowest single-day collection on the fourth Friday, earning Rs 8.75 crore across all... IndiaTimes