Monday, 23 December 2024 Popular music composer duo Sachet and Parampara Tandon recently welcomed their first child, a baby boy. The joyous couple shared the news via a heartwarming social media video, showcasing tender moments with their newborn. The video features the couple holding their baby's tiny feet and hands, concluding with a shot of teddy bears and a baby doll.
Singers and music composers Sachet-Parampara have welcomed their first child, a baby boy! The couple shared a heartwarming video on Instagram to announce the good news. The video showed their baby's tiny hands and feet, and ended with the message, "The heart of Sachet-Parampara has arrived! It's a...
Television actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee and her husband Shanawaz Shaikh have welcomed their first child, a baby boy on December 18. Announcing the same on social media, the actress shared an..
Bollywood is abuzz with news! Aishwarya Rai and Aaradhya jetted off for the holidays, while Ranbir Kapoor's potential role as Lord Ram sparks debate. Aamir Khan... IndiaTimes Also reported by •Mid-Day