Tuesday, 31 December 2024 () Shraddha Kapoor recently delighted her fans by playing with a golden retriever at a restaurant. She also introduced her new pet dog, Small, on Instagram. Shraddha is enjoying success with her film ‘Stree 2’ and recently attended the Red Sea International Film Festival, where her interaction with Andrew Garfield went viral.
Shraddha Kapoor has charmed her fans again with her down-to-earth off-screen personality. The actress showed her followers how she kicked off 2025 on New Year's Day. Rather than going to fancy bashes, Shraddha chose to have a simple but meaningful day. Shraddha started her day by hitting the gym...
Shraddha Kapoor was recently spotted in Juhu after a salon session, looking absolutely adorable. She wore a green top paired with grey trousers, which made her look stylish and chic. Shraddha added a..
Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor hilariously shared that her mother gave “theplas” in tiffin for her trip to the Red Sea Film Festival. Shraddha took to Instagram, where she shared a video..
Shraddha Kapoor was recently spotted at Mumbai Airport, and she made a stunning impression with her outfit. The actress opted for a beautiful sky blue and purple color mixture jumpsuit, which was a..