Tuesday, 31 December 2024 () Varun Dhawan's action film 'Baby John' started strong with a double-digit opening but quickly lost momentum, grossing Rs 32.31 crore in its first week. Despite its star-studded cast and Salman Khan's special appearance, the movie has seen a steady decline in earnings. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun's 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' is nearing Aamir Khan's 'Dangal' record.
Justin Baldoni files $250 million defamation lawsuit against the New York Times following Blake Lively allegations The lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday, claims that the article published by the..
A rescued 6-week-old fox named Hazel has undergone a pioneering operation, the first of its kind in the world. The cub has completed brain surgery at a British vet after suffering seizures and being..
The new Lamborghini Temerario was presented to European guests in London during the last week of November, providing a first opportunity for many to meet the Temerario in person following its global..
Varun Dhawan's Baby John struggled at the box office with a first-week earning of Rs 32.65 crore despite a slight improvement on day seven. The film, directed by... IndiaTimes Also reported by •Bollywood Life