Thursday, 2 January 2025 () Allu Arjun's 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' continues to dominate the box office, earning Rs 13.15 crore on Day 28. The cumulative earnings now stand at Rs 1184.65 crore. The Hindi version alone contributed Rs 9.5 crore on the fourth Wednesday, a significant milestone. The film received a 70.78% boost on New Year's Day, highlighting its widespread success.
Thousands dive into chilly Atlantic waters at Coney Island beach in New York as part of an annual "polar bear plunge" on New Year's Day. 2025 marks 122 years since the tradition began, with some swimmers even dressed in elaborate costumes for the event.
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck finalize divorce after 2 years of marriage. More than 4 months after the initial filing, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have settled their divorce. The pair has agreed to..
Apple Watch - Quit Quitting - Most people quit their New Year’s resolutions by the second Friday in January. It’s actually called “Quitter’s Day.” But Apple Watch gives you the motivation to..
Welcome family as we talk about a total of 14 people are dead and 35 people were injured after a man drove a truck into a crowd at Bourbon and Canal streets in New Orleans on New Year's Day in..
Unni Mukundan's Malayalam film Marco achieved a remarkable rise at the box office, especially in Hindi, going from Rs 1 lakh on the first day to Rs 1.2 crore by... IndiaTimes
There seems to be no stopping for Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2: The Rule at the box office. Even though it is in its fourth week, the film is minting huge numbers at... Bollywood Life
Varun Dhawan's film Baby John struggled to perform at the box office, facing significant declines despite the New Year holiday. It only managed to add Rs 2.75... IndiaTimes