Thursday, 2 January 2025 () Rekha and Manish Malhotra celebrated New Year's 2025 together, sharing a video on Instagram that caught Janhvi Kapoor's attention. In the video, Rekha looked stunning as she joyfully held Manish's hand while they rushed to the dining table, embracing warmly. Fans and celebrities admired their energy and enthusiasm, celebrating the iconic duo's timeless charm.
New Year’s Eve was buzzing with electric performances from the East and West Coast. With Blackstreet, 112 and more ringing in the new year, keep watching to see how they brought in 2025!
We are headed straight for Radahn today. This is something I had been putting off to give us time to work our way around the side bosses and get our levels up. Brookie and I have done a tad of off..
Get ready to shake off the old and dance your way into the new with Garage Fly Radio's non-stop New Year's Eve extravaganza! Hosts Jukebox and Boz are taking over the airwaves,..