Monday, 6 January 2025 () Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan celebrated New Year's Eve in Gstaad, Switzerland, their favorite destination. Kareena shared photos showcasing their luxurious celebration, with Saif dressed in a black suit and Kareena in a silver dress. Jeh made a cute cameo in the pictures.
Bollywood’s power couple, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were spotted at the airport with their two adorable sons, Taimur and Jeh. Kareena wore a denim jacket layered over a black outfit. On the other hand, Saif Ali Khan kept it minimal and classy in a navy-blue T-shirt paired with jeans....
Saba Pataudi, the sister of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, recently took to social media to share cherished "memories of December" with her family. The post featured beautiful moments with her brother..