Tuesday, 7 January 2025 () Actor-director collaborations are making a strong comeback in Bollywood, promising a slew of exciting films. Notable reunions include Vicky Kaushal with Laxman Utekar, David and Varun Dhawan, and Akshay Kumar with Arshad Warsi. The trend extends to regional cinema with Prithviraj Sukumaran and Mohanlal. These partnerships aim to blend artistic vision with commercial success.
The 82nd Golden Globes kick off award show season with Emilia Pérez , Shōgun , The Brutalist, and more big winners. Hosted by comedian Nikki Glaser at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, the 82nd Golden Globes..
On the demise of Indian film director and screenwriter Shyam Benegal, Actor Dalip Tahil says, "He made many films, and I had the privilege of working with him on two or three films, including 'Ankur,'..
It seems that Paul Mescal is headed down Abbey Road. During a conversation at the Directors Guild of America in Los Angeles, Mescal's 'Gladiator II' director Ridley Scott let slip that the actor may..
Credit: The Hollywood Reporter Duration: 01:42Published