Thursday, 9 January 2025 () Kangana Ranaut, while promoting her film Emergency on Indian Idol 15, addressed her dynamic with Karan Johar. Responding to contestant Manushi Ghosh's question about working with Johar in the future, Kangana remarked that he should work with her instead. She added humorously that she would give him a "very good role" in a "proper film" free of "saas-bahu ki chuglibaazi" and PR exercises.
Mumbai: The film "Emergency" is slated to hit theaters on January 17th. Ahead of its release, the star cast, including Kangana Ranaut, Anupam Kher, and Shreyas Talpade, engaged in a special conversation with IANS. During this interaction, they shared their experiences working on the film. Kangana...
Actor Karan Aanand was recently interviewed by IANS for his movie "Jaaiye Aap Kahan Jaayenge," during which he revealed some intriguing details about it as well as several NSD alumni. He continued by..
Aasif Sheikh, also known as Aasif Sheikh, recently shared his feelings about being part of the cult classic film Karan Arjun in an exclusive interview with IANS. He reminisced about his iconic dialogue..
Karan Veer Mehra and Chum Darang fans were in for a happy surprise as Kangana Ranaut declared them leading man and lady of the house. Kangana had entered the... Bollywood Life