Friday, 10 January 2025 () Game Changer, featuring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, is set for a strong box office debut with Rs 50 crore on opening day. The film has garnered significant advance sales, especially in the Hindi belt. Directed by S. Shankar, the action-packed movie faces competition from Fateh and Pushpa 2, but boasts a promising start.
Get ready for a sneak peek of GoDaddy's Super Bowl 2025 ad that's about to change the game—literally! The "Back in the Game" teaser offers a thrilling glimpse into the debut of GoDaddy Airo, a..
In a significant escalation of the ongoing war, Russian forces have shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet and destroyed several Western-made military assets. Russian defense authorities have..
In a bold statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed the Oreshnik ballistic missile as a “game-changer” in Russia’s defense capabilities, following its successful use in a strike on a..