Saturday, 11 January 2025 () Diljit Dosanjh shared the intense first look of his upcoming film 'Punjab '95', portraying the biopic of activist Jaswant Singh Khalra. The film faced significant cuts by the CBFC, sparking controversy. Diljit's rugged avatar hints at an emotionally charged plot, promising a powerful cinematic experience. The film's release is awaited in February.
Diljit Dosanjh, the Punjabi superstar who's been electrifying audiences with his Dil-Luminati tour, has unveiled the first look of his highly anticipated movie 'Punjab '95'. On Saturday, the actor took to Instagram to share a series of intense images, showcasing his character from the film. Alongside...
Actor Kartik Aaryan joined Punjabi sensation Diljit Dosanjh during his show in Ahmedabad. The two were seen dancing and hugging while they were on stage. Kartik took to Instagram, where he shared a..
Diljit Dosanjh will be seen in Punjab 95 next. It is a biopic based on Jaswant Singh Khalra and the actor has shared his first look from the film. Bollywood Life Also reported by •DNA •Zee News