Sunday, 12 January 2025 () Varun Dhawan's Baby John, a Hindi remake of Thalapathy Vijay's Theri, faltered at the box office, opening at Rs 11.25 crore and struggling to cross Rs 40 crore. This marks the lowest grossing film of Varun's career. He is now focusing on his next projects, Border 2 and a romantic comedy with Shashank Khaitan.
The “Baby John” movie was recently released in theaters, and has received a mixed response from audiences. Many viewers praised the film for its engaging storyline and strong performances,..
Bollywood star Varun Dhawan, who is currently awaiting the release of her upcoming movie 'Baby John', is enjoying the flavours of Gujarat. On Thursday, the actor took to his Instagram, and shared..
Recently, the trailer for "Baby John" was launched, featuring Varun Dhawan and actress Wamiqa Gabbi at the event. Both stars expressed their excitement about the film's release. Director Atlee Kumar..