Friday, 17 January 2025 () Saif Ali Khan is recovering in the ICU after being attacked at his Bandra residence by an intruder. He underwent successful surgery at Lilavati Hospital for stab wounds, including a major injury to his spinal cord. Saif's wife Kareena Kapoor Khan requested privacy for the family during this challenging time, urging the media to respect their boundaries.
MUMBAI: Officials from Lilavati Hospital, including Dr Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, Mr Prashant Mehta, Permanent Trustee, Dr Nitin Dange, Neurosurgeon, Srinivas Kudva, Cardiologist speak on the health of actor Saif Ali Khan. Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer...
The Mumbai Police has released CCTV footage of the suspect involved in the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The suspect, captured on camera in the building's..
MUMBAI: Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis speaks on the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, says, "The police have provided all the information regarding this incident, including the nature of the attack and..
The doctors who operated on Saif Ali Khan assured fans that he's out of the ICU, and they made him walk. They also recalled how Saif walked into the hospital... DNA Also reported by •IndiaTimes
Saif Ali Khan is recovering well after being stabbed by a burglar at his Bandra home. Hospital officials confirm he will be moved from the ICU to a normal ward,... IndiaTimes