Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was reportedly stabbed six times during a burglary attempt at his Bandra West residence late Wednesday night. The assailant, who broke into the actor’s home at 2:30 AM, injured Saif while he intervened in a heated argument between the intruder and a staff member. Saif...
Mumbai: On the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, actress Urvashi Rautela says, "This is extremely unfortunate. Actors are not safe at all. We never thought something like this would happen. But it's good..
Two years ago, actress Alankrita Sahai told her story of being robbed at Knief Point by four criminals, which was similar to Saif Ali Khan's experience. She said, ‘You know, I think to be at knife..
MUMBAI: The auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who rushed Actor Saif Ali Khan to the hospital after he was stabbed six times said, "I was running and suddenly I heard a sound from the gate. A lady..
Saif Ali Khan was attacked by the intruder in his 12th-floor Bandra flat at around 2:30 am on Thursday. As Saif attempted to intervene and de-escalate the... DNA
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked at his Bandra residence in Mumbai in the early hours of today (January 16) in an apparent robbery attempt.... IndiaTimes