The Mumbai Police has released CCTV footage of the suspect involved in the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The suspect, captured on camera in the building's stairwell, was seen carrying a backpack and wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and an orange scarf. The attack,...
Mumbai: On the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, actress Urvashi Rautela says, "This is extremely unfortunate. Actors are not safe at all. We never thought something like this would happen. But it's good..
MUMBAI: The auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who rushed Actor Saif Ali Khan to the hospital after he was stabbed six times said, "I was running and suddenly I heard a sound from the gate. A lady..
Actor Shahid Kapoor reached the trailer launch Of his upcoming movie ‘Deva’ and he reacted to the Saif Ali Khan stabbing incident and said, "All of us from the fraternity are extremely concerned...
A CCTV footage shows the suspect entering Saif Ali Khan's Mumbai apartment before stabbing him multiple times. Khan underwent emergency surgery and was moved out... IndiaTimes
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times in his back by an armed assailant at his Bandra residence on January 16, 2025. Despite serious injuries, he... IndiaTimes
In a shocking incident in Mumbai's Bandra, actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times by an intruder during a burglary attempt. The attack occurred in Khan's... IndiaTimes