Sunday, 19 January 2025 () Mumbai Police arrested Mohammad Sajjad, accused of stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. Initially identified as Bijoy Das, Sajjad was apprehended in Thane and has been living in Mumbai for over 7 years, contrary to police claims. A CCTV image showed the attacker fleeing the scene, and Saif is recovering from multiple stab wounds. Prominent personalities, including Shatrughan Sinha, have expressed concern and urged against blame games, emphasizing the police's ongoing investigation.
The Mumbai Police has released CCTV footage of the suspect involved in the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The suspect, captured on camera in the building's stairwell, was seen carrying a backpack and wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and an orange scarf. The attack,...
Mumbai : Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering from a stabbing incident at his Bandra residence, has been receiving a steady stream of visitors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital. His daughter Sara Ali Khan,..
Mumbai : Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering well at Lilavati Hospital, has been moved to a suite after his condition improved on Friday. The actor was attacked by an intruder at his..
In an exclusive interview with IANS, actress Alankrita Sahai spoke out about the importance of privacy and security. She emphasized the need for boundaries, particularly when it comes to paparazzi..
Amid the ongoing investigation into Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan's stabbing case, the accused’s advocate questions claims of his Bangladeshi origin, asserting... IndiaTimes
Mumbai Police probe a potential insider in Saif Ali Khan's knife attack after CCTV footage showed no intruder. Saif was stabbed multiple times in a suspected... IndiaTimes
Over 42 hours have passed since the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra West-based apartment in Mumbai. Yet, the case is going entangled with a... DNA