Thursday, 23 January 2025 () Ram Charan's movie 'Game Changer' experienced a substantial dip in box office earnings after its initial success, struggling to reach the Rs. 130 crore mark within 13 days. The movie faced significant competition from Kangana Ranaut's 'Emergency', which had better performance despite both movies releasing in the same period.
Get ready for a sneak peek of GoDaddy's Super Bowl 2025 ad that's about to change the game—literally! The "Back in the Game" teaser offers a thrilling glimpse into the debut of GoDaddy Airo, a..
In a significant escalation of the ongoing war, Russian forces have shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet and destroyed several Western-made military assets. Russian defense authorities have..
In a bold statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed the Oreshnik ballistic missile as a “game-changer” in Russia’s defense capabilities, following its successful use in a strike on a..
Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar, has failed to connect with mass audiences, resulting in significant losses for distributors,... IndiaTimes
Ram Charan’s ‘Game Changer’ opens big with Rs 51 crore but sees a rapid decline, reaching Rs 128.85 crore over two weeks. Despite slowing earnings, it... IndiaTimes