Friday, 24 January 2025 () Actor Saif Ali Khan has given his statement regarding a January 16 attack at his Mumbai home. The alleged intruder, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, stabbed Khan during a burglary attempt. The accused was later arrested after fingerprints matched those found at the crime scene. The suspect's father disputes the identification, stating the attacker does not match his son's usual appearance.
Mumbai : In the latest development in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, the accused has been taken from Khar police station to undergo a medical examination. This step is a standard procedure in criminal..
The Mumbai Police has released CCTV footage of the suspect involved in the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The suspect, captured on camera in the building's..
MUMBAI: Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis speaks on the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, says, "The police have provided all the information regarding this incident, including the nature of the attack and..
Days after the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra west-based apartment in Mumbai, police reached Lilavati hospital on Saturday, i.e., January... DNA Also reported by •Mid-Day
A major development happened in the Saif Ali Khan attack case as the Police got an important piece of evidence about the accused Shariful Islam. DNA Also reported by •Mid-Day •IndiaTimes
The police have formed multiple teams to trace and nab the accused in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, police said Mid-Day Also reported by •IndiaTimes •DNA