Friday, 24 January 2025 () Boney Kapoor shared a nostalgic picture from the first day of shooting 'Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja', featuring his late wife Sridevi. The 1993 film starred Sridevi, Anil Kapoor, and others, and was one of the highest-budget Hindi films of its time. Boney and Sridevi, who married in 1996, fell in love on the sets of 'Mr. India'.
Boney Kapoor took a trip down memory lane, sharing a heartfelt throwback picture with his late wife, Sridevi, from the first day of shooting the 1993 film "Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja". The monochrome image, posted on Instagram stories, shows the couple standing together, laughing and carefree....