Saturday, 25 January 2025 () Mumbai Police have gathered crucial evidence, including blood samples and clothing, in the investigation of the knife attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. The accused, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, reportedly demanded Rs 1 crore, attacked the nanny, and stabbed Saif before fleeing. Forensic analysis of the evidence is underway to strengthen the case.
MUMBAI: In an exclusive conversation with Dinesh Prajapati, the accused's lawyer in the homicide case of Saif Ali Khan. “The police presented the report to the court today, he said, and they requested a seven-day police detention remand. They stated that they needed to record his shoes, perform...
Mumbai : On actor Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, Sandeep Sherkhane, Advocate of the accused says, "It has been presented that the investigation conducted was not proper, and no notice was served. There..
Mumbai : In the latest development in the Saif Ali Khan attack case, the accused has been taken from Khar police station to undergo a medical examination. This step is a standard procedure in criminal..
Bombai : In an exclusive interview with IANS, Pallavi Joshi condemned the recent attack on Saif Ali Khan, labeling it a "heinous crime". Expressing her sympathy, Joshi said her heart goes out to Saif..
On Friday, Saif Ali Khan recorded his statement with the Mumbai Police in which he said that the accused demanded Rs 1 crore and attacked the nanny, and when he... DNA
The blood samples and clothing of both the actor and the suspect have been sent for analysis to determine if the blood found on the accused`s clothing matches... Mid-Day