Thursday, 30 January 2025 () Akshay Kumar's film Sky Force crossed Rs 80 crore at the domestic box office in six days, but weekday collections have slowed, making it uncertain to reach Rs 100 crore in the first week. The release of Shahid Kapoor's Deva this Friday could impact Sky Force's performance. Worldwide gross collections may have already surpassed Rs 100 crore.
Public review of the movie "Sky Force" is out and audiences experience an action-packed that takes them on a thrilling ride. The storyline of the movie revolves around a skilled pilot and their team..
Akshay Kumar's latest film, Sky Force, portrays India's first airstrike during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war. Despite positive reviews and word of mouth, it fell... IndiaTimes
Sky Force has brought Bollywood back from its dull phase, and the film is confidently marching towards Rs 200 crore club. DNA Also reported by •IndiaTimes
Ram Charan’s ‘Game Changer’ opens big with Rs 51 crore but sees a rapid decline, reaching Rs 128.85 crore over two weeks. Despite slowing earnings, it... IndiaTimes