Famed actress Shelley Duvall passed away on July 10th after a long battle with diabetes, but her struggles with trauma from working with director Stanley Kubrick never ceased. Best known for her role as Wendy Torrance in the 1980 thriller "The Shining," Duvall faced significant mental and physical...
John Mulaney and Olivia Munn married in private wedding ceremony. The couple tied the knot this past weekend in New York City during a private ceremony, shared only with a witness and their 2-year-old..
Shelley Duvall, the actress known for playing Wendy Torrance in 'The Shining' and starring in numerous Robert Altman films, has died. She was 75. Dan Gilroy, Duvall's life partner since 1989, told The..
Credit: The Hollywood Reporter Duration: 02:00Published