Yulia Vavilova, the female companion of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, has finally broken her silence following their dramatic detainment in France. After flying into Paris with Durov, Vavilova was held for three days before being released. In her first public statement, she addresses the swirling rumors and false information surrounding their arrest. Discover what Vavilova has to say about the situation, the controversy involving Durov, and the truth behind their high-profile encounter with French authorities. Donβt miss this exclusive update on a story thatβs captivated the world!
#YuliaVavilova #PavelDurov #TelegramScandal #ParisArrest #BreakingSilence #HighProfileDrama #InfluencerNews #TelegramFounder #FrenchDetainment #GlobalControversy #TrueStory
On Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron publicly denied reports that he had extended an invitation to Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, to visit France. The..