Punjabi music sees huge rise in streams - but not all fans are happy
Saturday, 21 September 2024 Streams of Punjabi music have seen a massive rise, but some fans aren't pleased with the direction the genre is heading in.
The Trump administration’s tough immigration policies lead to the deportation of 30 Punjabis, including Jaswinder Singh from Fatehgarh Sahib, who had spent ₹50 lakh to settle in the US. Now, his family is left grappling with the financial and emotional fallout of his sudden expulsion under the new laws. The devastating impact of this harsh deportation is felt deeply by his parents, who took on massive debt in hopes of a better future for their son. This story highlights the struggles faced by families caught in the crossfire of changing US immigration laws.
#TrumpDeportation #PunjabiImmigrants #IllegalImmigration #USDeportation #JaswinderSingh #DeportationCrisis #PunjabiFamilies #USImmigrationPolicy #FinancialStruggles #ImmigrantRights #ImmigrationReform #DeportedFromUS