Nyra Banerjee, a popular contestant on Bigg Boss 18, has been evicted from the show. Discussed the planning and scripting of Bigg Boss then shared her thoughts about favouritism. After that, considered herself as a potential winner and talked about eviction criteria and lastly, her game plan if she...
Nyra Banerjee, a popular contestant on Bigg Boss 18, has been evicted from the show. Known for her vibrant personality and strong gameplay, she had garnered a significant fan following during her time..
In an exclusive conversation with IANS, Nyra Banerjee revealed her surprising take on life without a phone in the Bigg Boss house. "It's been a game-changer for me," she confessed. "Initially,..
If you thought that Mukan Bamne'e eviciton fulfilled the criteria of Bigg Boss for the week, think again, because Muskan was eliminated based on housemates'... DNA