Rakesh Roshan, the iconic filmmaker and actor, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the blockbuster film Karan Arjun in an exclusive interview with IANS. To commemorate this milestone, he has released a brand-new trailer for the 1995 classic, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. The film is all...
Aasif Sheikh, also known as Aasif Sheikh, recently shared his feelings about being part of the cult classic film Karan Arjun in an exclusive interview with IANS. He reminisced about his iconic dialogue..
In an interview with director and actor Rakesh Roshan, he commemorates the 30th anniversary of Karan-Arjun in Indian cinema. He discusses the concept of re-releasing this in theaters to celebrate 30..
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is facing a serious security threat after receiving a chilling phone call demanding a Rs 50-lakh ransom. The unidentified caller reportedly warned of harm if the..
'Karan Arjun', directed by Rakesh Roshan and featuring stars like Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, will return to theaters on November 22, 2024, marking its 30th... IndiaTimes Also reported by •Mid-Day
Hrithik Roshan worked as an AD on his dad Rakesh Roshan's movie Karan Johar, which stars Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan in the lead roles. Bollywood Life
The iconic film 'Karan Arjun', starring Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan, is all set for a theatrical re-release on November 22. It is widely known that Hrithik... IndiaTimes Also reported by •Bollywood Life