Bollywood star Varun Dhawan, who is currently awaiting the release of her upcoming movie 'Baby John', is enjoying the flavours of Gujarat. On Thursday, the actor took to his Instagram, and shared..
Bollywood stars Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, and Wamiqa Gabbi attended a Christmas party. Keerthy, who recently got married, made her first public appearance and looked beautiful in a red dress. Varun..
Varun Dhawan, the star of the upcoming film "Baby John", recently met Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi. He described the encounter as an "absolute pleasure" and shared a photo with the minister..
Keerthy Suresh is basking in the success of her Bollywood film 'Baby John', directed by Kalees. This official adaptation of Atlee's Tamil hit 'Theri' (2016),... IndiaTimes
Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi's Baby John by Atlee is releasing on December 25. Though there is good buzz around the film, the advance ticket... Bollywood Life Also reported by •DNA